Accommodation of guests: provision of rooms to guests for a period of time
Accommodation of guests in a hotel or sanatorium is a rather complicated process: the guest must be registered, choose the right room, answer questions and tell about the possibilities of the accommodation facility. The first impression can be made only once and the placement process should be perfect. An important part of the process is a program for automating the accommodation of guests in a hotel or sanatorium. Occupancy management programs will allow you to relieve the staff of the porter service and eliminate the possibility of misunderstandings related to double booking or monitoring the condition of the room stock.
Features of the SandSoft guest accommodation system
- the most easy-to-use interactive timetable with a wide range of features for quick search of available rooms or seats;
- the possibility of self-registration by users or tour operators in the hotel system via the Internet with the possibility of flexible configuration of the rights management system;
- a guest or an operator can enter the guest’s data into a personal card and significantly speed up the settlement process;
- flexible system of customizable tariffs that can include various sets of services (but only accommodation, meals and treatment);
- convenient functionality for managing information about changes in tariffs and settlement conditions;
- the system of discounts, bonuses and points makes it possible to build an internal loyalty system;
- report designer in accordance with the requirements of all information users;
- intuitive interface and instructions in Russian allow you to save time on employee training;
- creation of a database of regular customers divided into legal entities and individuals with detailed information.
- the ability to connect a template of any document and a set of standard options for printed forms, including a contract for hotel accommodation, a guest’s bill, vouchers, and notifications of the arrival of foreigners.
The order of registration and accommodation of guests
This process is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and, in particular, by the Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 713 of 17.05.1995 and Federal Law No. 9 of 15.01.2007 in respect of Russian citizens and foreigners, respectively.
The registration procedure itself takes much less time under two conditions – pre–booking and availability of PMS (Property Management System – automation system). When making a reservation, you can specify in advance all the wishes of the client regarding the room class and the services required, as well as get all the data necessary for registration. That is, when pre-ordering, the information is entered in advance into the guest’s card in the system, so that he only has to present an identity document, on the basis of which a temporary accommodation and accommodation agreement is concluded with the client.
Identity documents for a citizen of Russia can be:
- Personal ID;
- Passport;
- birth certificate (for children under the age of 14).
You will not be able to legally register for any other documents, including a military ticket or a driver’s license. The exception is military personnel and law enforcement officers – they are allowed to use service certificates when signing a contract for hotel accommodation.
A foreigner can confirm his identity only with an internal or foreign passport of the State in which he resides. Depending on the rules of entry into the territory of the Russian Federation of citizens of a particular country, you may need to present a visa and / or migration card.
The hotel staff is obliged to provide information about the registration of clients with the Ministry of Internal Affairs – information regarding citizens of the Russian Federation must be provided within a day after his arrival, and data on foreigners – after 12 hours.
This rule does not apply to Russian citizens who register in hotels in the city or region where they live. In this case, they can stay in the hotel without registration for 90 days.
If the registration and accommodation of guests at the hotel takes place without prior reservation, after presenting the documents, the future guest must fill out a registration card, on the basis of which the administrator further enters information about him into the guest card in the PMS program. The card specifies the apartment number, the rental period, as well as passport data.
Accommodation of guests in the hotel with the help of automation programs
Most modern systems offer very extensive functionality, but working with the number fund is a priority for them. The use of SandSoft software not only provides the staff with the opportunity to quickly check in and check in guests, but also in a few seconds to choose the best option for the client – all relevant information about the condition of the rooms is always available. Another plus for employees is that there is no need to transfer data about guests who have entered and left to the shift – all information is stored in the computer.
SandSoft HMS features for guest registration
The set of SandSoft programs and services consists of software products that are installed on the servers and computers of a sanatorium or hotel and are complemented by the capabilities of web services. Such systems have effective sets of tools for accommodating guests in a hotel and managing the enterprise as a whole. With their help, you can completely eliminate the human factor that leads to misunderstandings with the number fund. The client gets the opportunity to choose from the available rooms suitable for his requests independently, and the staff – to prepare for his arrival in a timely manner, clean the room and organize the requested additional services.
SandSoft company produces CRM for hotels, which has the function of a guest’s personal account. Thanks to this, customers can make reservations directly from their account, without having to go to any websites. A hotel or sanatorium reduces the time for processing data during settlement at times.
An important feature of SandSoft software products is the program interface, which is worked out to the smallest detail, which allows you to significantly reduce the time for performing repetitive operations.
The procedure for settling a guest can be performed “from the counter” or according to a previously created reservation.
The form of the document is shown in the picture:

In order to settle on a previously created reservation, it is enough to open the reservation document and note the fact of the guest’s arrival.
The Additional services button allows you to enter a list of additional planned services as part of the tariffs (for example, meals).
To find a free number for settlement, several forms have been created in the system. The main form with which the work is carried out is called hotel timetable
The timetable clearly shows the state of the room fund, while the timetable is an active form: in order to accommodate a guest in a room, you need to select any and select the desired date interval. In the document, you will only need to enter the names and the tariff.
If there are a lot of rooms in the Hotel and the Hotel is close to full load, it is not easy to find a free room in the timetable. To facilitate such a task, timetable has a sidebar that will show which numbers are available in the selected period

The quick search panel for available rooms helps out when working on busy days because it helps to quickly find available options for the requested accommodation conditions.